Brother Entrepreneur Pro X PR1055X multi-needle embroidery machine is the most innovative and beneficial embroidery machine which satisfies all the properties of a perfect embroidery machine. Consisting of 10 needles gives the ease to embroider multiple color designs without overlapping of thread.

Brother Entrepreneur Pro X PR1055X | Multi-Needle Embroidery
Large embroidery area and big-sized LCD fulfill all the needs of the embroiderer. Wireless connectivity resolves almost all problems regarding embroidery designs. LAN connectivity and the software PE-DESIGN 11 can help to connect with almost 10 embroidery machines.
Features of Brother Entrepreneur Pro X PR1055X:
Large-sized LCD of 10.1 inches (5.3 x 8.5) inches
- Larger embroidery surface of 14 into 8 inches
- Automatic threading of needles with a count of 10.
- Embroidery speed is up to 1000 SPM
- Sewing speed for frames can be 400 SPM to 1000 SPM
- Includes 173 embroidery designs
- It includes twenty-five Quilt in sashing functions and 2 ports for USB
- It includes 3 ,4 embroidery frames of sizes 14 x 8 inches, 5 x 7 inches, 4x 4 inches, and 2 x 1.5 inches
- Already supplied 1184 embroidery designs
- Built-in Tutorial videos for ease x 29 already fed.
- 37 Built-in letters and fonts( basic)
- Up to 200 % zooming capacity from machine LCD and 1600 % from your connected mobile or IOS.
- Comes up with 661 designs of decorative fonts and 18 monograms designs
- It has wireless connectivity options which can connect your mobile or IOS by the My stitch Monitor Mobile app.
Benefits of Brother Entrepreneur Pro X PR1055X:
Wireless LAN Connectivity: Most beneficial feature of the machine is to provide a wireless LAN system so that you can connect your mobile, IOS, and other connecting devices on which the My Stitch Monitor mobile app can be installed. You can take control of all embroidery work and can connect to almost 10 machines.
Auto split sashing: By this function, you can create elegant border designs and patterns perfectly suited with the quilt with a size up to 118 x 118 inches. Patterns will automatically split on the desired hoop. You can choose from twenty motifs. Also, it has a magnetic sash frame that will hold the fabric more tightly.
Embroidery area: The embroidery area is kept as wide as you can perform big projects on it easily. It also includes jacket backs and quilts. This machine comes up with 4 sizes of frames and can detect the hoop size automatically.
Built-in Fonts and Designs: It consists of 1,184 embroidery designs which include 140 combinations of patterns, 40 lettering, and 14monogram fonts.
Virtual Design preview: It shows the needle area and embroidery designs with real camera function.
High-speed Embroidery: It can perform embroidery work with the speed of 400 SPM to 1000 SPM which is great for an embroidery machine.
Multi-needle: It provides you 10 needles to easily embroider multiple shades on your fabric with no overlapping and thread change.
Background scanning: Built-in camera and scanner help you to view and edit the perfect embroidery design position. The scanning feature perfectly places the design where you are supposed to draw it.
My Design Center is pre-installed Brother Entrepreneur Pro X PR1055X on, allowing you to create your customized works of art using versatile, convenient editing tools. Use the Brother Entrepreneur Pro X PR1055X big touch screen to draw directly into My Design Center, or insert your file format and make them into embroidery. 10 needling features are most beneficial to reduce the time duration and indeed hard work too.