Ricoma TC-1501 Common Problems And Easy Steps To Maintain

In this article, we will discuss Ricoma TC-1501 common problems solutions and easy steps to maintain.

Ricoma TC-1501 common problems and solutions:

1. A new design is not uploading:

A New Design Is Not Uploading
A New Design Is Not Uploading

You have to remove the embroidery status before uploading a new design. The status of embroidery (the lock icon in the panel) is the tool that sets the machine in and out of embroidery mode. 

The status of the embroidery icon could be found on the right corner of the screen and must be unlocked to access some of the machine’s features. Another cause you might not be capable of importing a design is if the USB you are using has excessive memory. We suggest using a USB drive with 8GB or less.

2. Needles keep breaking:

Needles Keep Breaking
Needles Keep Breaking

There are several reasons why needles in a Ricoma TC-1501 machine may break:

Incorrect Needle Size Or Type – Make sure you are using the correct size and type of needle for the material you are working with.

Needle Dullness – Over time, needles can become dull, especially if you are using them to embroider dense, heavy materials. Dull needles can break more easily than sharp ones.

Excessive Pressure – If you are applying too much pressure when embroidering, you can put a lot of stress on the needle and cause it to break.

Thread Tension Issues – Incorrect thread tension can cause the needle to bend, causing it to break more easily.

Loose Needle Clamp – If the needle clamp is loose, the needle can move and bend, causing it to break.

Machine Issues – There may be a problem with the machine itself, such as a misaligned needle bar or a worn-out needle drive mechanism.

3. Pinch on fabric:

Pinch On Fabric
Pinch On Fabric

This is because of a hooping error. You have to create the right tension by ensuring that the hooping is tight and the material is not creased. Be specific not to stretch the fabric, as this could damage the design. You might need a firm stabilizer. 

4. Thread breaks:

Thread Breaks
Thread Breaks

There are several reasons why you may be experiencing thread breaks while using a Ricoma TC-1501 machine:

Incorrect thread type – Make sure you are using the correct type of thread for your machine and the material you are working with.

Incorrect thread tension – If the thread tension is too loose, the thread may break easily. If the tension is too tight, it can put stress on the needle and cause it to break.

Poor thread quality – Low-quality thread can easily break, so be sure to use high-quality, durable thread for your machine.

Dirty machine – Dust and debris in the machine can cause thread to break. Clean your machine regularly to keep it in good working order.

Needle issues – A dull or damaged needle can cause thread to break. Replace the needle if it is worn or damaged.

Bobbin issues – Make sure the bobbin is loaded correctly and the tension is set correctly. A poorly wound bobbin or one with low-quality thread can cause thread to break.

Stabilizer issues – If you are using stabilizer, make sure it is the correct type and weight for the material you are working with. If it is too heavy, it can put too much stress on the thread, causing it to break.

5. How to know if the tension is right? Is there any default setting?

How To Know If The Tension Is Right
How To Know If The Tension Is Right

There is no such default setting on the machine at the same time. If the problem is on a single needle, you can start by pulling the thread and feeling its tension. It must not be very tight or very loose. 

Check the needles that are operating rightly and try to mimic their tension. As you pull, you must be capable of feeling when the problem needle has reached a similar tension as the needles that are working well.

Once you believe you have attained a good standard tension, try an H or I test during the middle and one-third of the top thread on both sides. Usually, if you have one-third of the bobbin thread in the center and one-third of top thread on both sides. Usually, if you have fairly given columns, your tension must be correct. 

6. Stitches looping:

Stitches Looping
Stitches Looping

Looping stitches could be the outcome of incorrect threading. Ensure the top and bobbin threads are rightly threaded. If the machine is threaded rightly, check the thread tension. Plus, ensure to check the needle. A bent, old, or loose needle would cause looping and other embroidery issues.

7. X or Y limit error:

You are getting this error because your logo might be very huge for the hoop, or you are trying to stitch out the preset hoop margin. You can either use a large hoop or move the logo around so you stay within the boundaries of the hoop.

Easy Steps For Ricoma Tc-1501 Maintenance

Ricoma TC-1501 maintenance is very easy. The most crucial maintenance that has to be completed is lubricating the rotary hook. Before oiling or cleaning, we suggest turning off your machine. To maintain and clean the rotary hook, begin by removing the bobbin case from the rotary hook.

Clean any thread lint in the area using a lint brush or dusting spray. 

Then add three or four drops of machine oil to the rotary hook.

Now you can insert the bobbin case back into the rotary hook and close the bobbin housing unit.

To make sure the machine runs efficiently, repeat this process twice a day if you are planning to run a machine eight hours a day. 

Once or twice a week, remove the needle plate and clean around the trimmer knives with a soft brush.

Once a week, pass a business card or paper through the bobbin case slit to clean any lint buildup.

Every week, place a drop-off oil directly on the needle bar through the slots in the needle case, alternate each week. 

One week lubricate the upper needle bar section and the next week the lower needle bar section.

Once a week oil the opening on the needle plate. For this section, we suggest turning on the machine and setting it to needle one to see the opening on the right side of the machine head. 

Add three drops of oil each week to that section.

Then, add three drops of oil to the metal rail of the machine head.

Now you can move your machine head to needle 15 and place 2 drops of oil on the other side of the rail. 

Once each three to five months, apply white lithium grease to the black metal bar in the machine head. Also, apply this grease to the wheels placed on the back of your machine head. 

Once each three to five months, apply white lithium grease to the color change cam. 

You would first need to remove the metal plate placed above the color change cam by loosening the attached screw. Then apply grease to the color change cam area. 

Place the cover back over the color change cam and tighten the screw before proceeding. 

Always remember, not to over oil. After oiling, stitch on a test swatch before returning to production to assure extra oil does not stain garments. 

These were the simple steps for Ricoma TC-1501 maintenance and troubleshooting Ricoma TC-1501 embroidery machine. Now that you very well know how to maintain your machine, it is time to start embroidering. Good luck!

Winding up with offer:

We hope this article will be helpful for you. If you want to digitize embroidery design you would need a professional like ZDigitizing, as digitizing is a complex process.  

Zdigitizing is a digitizing embroidery company that provides complete digitizing and vector art services all over the world to businesses, industries, and corporations.

So, if you need a digitizing or vector art service for your embroidery machine, with a super-fast turnaround and excellent quality, ZD will be your best choice. Just click the link below and get a free quote in less than 5 minutes. We offer 50% off on all our services to our potential customers on their first order.

Hope it will be helpful for you guys!

If there’s any question related to this article you can simply ask in the comment section and don’t forget to share with those you think might be helpful for them.

And finally, thanks for reading!

Frequently Asked Questions

The most common issues with the Ricoma TC-1501 embroidery machine are thread breakage, needle breakage, and bobbin winding issues. To fix thread breakage, make sure the thread is properly threaded and tension is adjusted correctly. To fix needle breakage, ensure that the needle is correctly installed and replace it if it is bent or dull. To fix bobbin winding issues, check that the bobbin winder is properly threaded and the bobbin is correctly installed.

To troubleshoot the Ricoma TC-1501 embroidery machine, start by checking the machine’s power source and ensuring that it is properly connected. If the machine is not responding, check for any error messages on the screen or any unusual sounds coming from the machine. Inspect the needle and thread path for any obstructions or tangled threads. If the issue persists, consult the user manual or contact Ricoma customer support for further assistance.


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